Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)
In our patients, you can wear it after an average of 1 week -10 days, since we use ultrasonic method and we intervene in bone roof and anatomical touch points in a controlled manner.
After 1 week, you can start doing sports in a controlled way.
You can make up after 1 week.
We do not use tampons or silicone nose pads.
You can swim in the sea after 1 week and in the pool after 1 month. (It is important not to stand in direct sun and to apply plenty of sunscreen)
We never recommend smoking and alcohol, but it can be consumed in small amounts except for the first 24 hours.
Yes, there is no travel barrier after the operation.
You can take a shower after the operation. It's okay to take a shower, except for the face, until the bandages come off.
Prominent Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)
It is performed with the classical surgical method, it is permanent for life.
1 day bandage. Afterwards, the sports tape is used while going to bed in the evening for 2 weeks.
After a week, the whole body can be showered. You can wash your body and hair separately beforehand.
It is the first two to three days after the procedure. It will be completely gone in a week.
Creating Dimple
The sutures and the thin bands on it are removed after a week.
Eyelid Aesthetic Surgery
Wound healing varies from person to person, but there is no scar after an average of 3 weeks after the stitches are removed.
Our patients who use blood thinners may have minimal bruises in the first week.
Since it is a procedure performed with local anesthesia, you can return to your daily life immediately afterward.
After removing the tapes and stitches, you can shower completely. You can wash your body and hair separately before taking it.