The frequent occurrence of upper respiratory tract infections due to the immaturity of the immune system at an early age, the short, wide and horizontal structure of the Eustachian tube, the passage of milk into the middle ear in infants fed in a horizontal position, the presence of irritation and adenoid are always common causes.
What causes acute otitis media?
The frequent occurrence of upper respiratory tract infections due to the immaturity of the immune system at an early age, the short, wide and horizontal structure of the Eustachian tube, the passage of milk into the middle ear in infants fed in a horizontal position, the presence of irritation and adenoid are always common causes.
What are the symptoms?
In babies aged 6-11 months, which is the age range where acute otitis media is most intense, restlessness, not sucking breast milk, fever, nasal congestion and ear discharge in the last stage require an ear nose and throat examination. Children after the age of 3 may describe ear pain in addition to the above symptoms.
How is the diagnosis made?
According to the literature, 85% of acute otitis media can be cured with symptomatic treatment without the need for antibiotics. However, according to the literature, the natural course of the disease can be shortened with early and adequate antibiotic treatment and the risk of complications can be reduced. Especially the conditions of our country, where the health system is extremely inadequate and patient follow-up is very limited in practice, middle ear treatment without antibiotics may increase the complications that may occur. The optimum way of treatment is to culture and detect the microorganism by myringotomy. However, since it is not possible to take cultures routinely, symptomatic treatment together with empiric antimicrobial therapy is appropriate in the treatment of middle ear infection.
What are the points that families should pay attention to during and after the illness?
The most important thing is to eliminate preventable risk factors.
- Not to smoke near children (to keep away from passive smoking)
- Encouraging the use of breast milk
- Protection with extra clothes in winter,
- Necessary treatment in the presence of adenoid vegetarianism, etc.