In nasal bone curvature disorders, it is necessary to determine the causes of nasal obstruction.
In nasal bone curvature disorders, it is necessary to determine the causes of nasal obstruction. In these pathological conditions in the nose, it is very important to perform an endoscopic examination by an otolaryngologist.
If the physician deems necessary, radiological examination (computed tomography) can be performed to detect additional pathologies. The most common cause of nasal congestion is Septum Deviation, that is, cartilage and bone curvatures in the middle part of the nose. In addition, nasal bone curvature and swelling of functional normal meat structures called Concha in the nose can also cause congestion.
Nasal bone curvature can occur for many reasons. The curvature in question may be due to hereditary reasons, or it may occur due to subsequent blows. These curvatures cause nasal congestion, especially in some diseases. Patients complain that they cannot breathe easily. However, thanks to the curvature of the nasal bone, the quality of life of the patients increases. However, many patients have problems in their social lives due to the curvature of their nose. Individuals who feel excluded from society or who are ridiculed lose self-confidence due to the curvature of their nose.
Nasal bone curvature is not observed in the same way in every patient. For some patients, the curvature inside the nose may not be noticed when viewed from the outside. Sometimes, we come across a nose that is curved from the outside. The common feature of both conditions is the breathing problem caused by the curvature of the nose. It may cause complaints such as post-nasal drip, especially by preventing the sinuses from working in their normal course. This creates more problems for the elderly. Individuals who do not get enough oxygen face the risk of disease as time passes. These diseases can also be more diverse, including heart diseases and lung diseases. Therefore, it may be necessary to intervene for nasal bone curvature.
Nasal curvature surgery
Before the operation, the necessary examinations are performed on the patient. The first question asked in this regard will be whether the patient has undergone surgery before. Apart from this, a suitable planning is made for the deformity of the patient's nose structure and the surgical procedure is started.
In our clinic, nasal bone curve treatment applications, the nasal flesh is reduced and the curved bone is corrected with Radiofrequency or Smr method. No packing is placed after nasal bone curve surgery. After the operation, our patients continue their normal lives.