Op. It is the Izmir botox center where we perform treatment and surgical applications for ear, nose and throat diseases in our clinic managed by Cem Karas.
Op. Dr. It is the Izmir botox center where we perform the diagnosis, treatment and surgical applications of ear, nose and throat diseases in our clinic managed by Cem Karas. Apart from ENT (ear, nose, throat) diseases and surgical operations, we also perform nose and facial aesthetics.
ENT Diseases Nose and Facial Aesthetics
The diagnosis of ENT diseases under the name of rhinoplasty Izmir, as well as the treatment and surgical application of ENT diseases in Izmir, are also performed in our clinic by Op. Dr. Performed by Cem Karas. In addition to these, izmir rhinoplasty surgery and izmir rhinoplasty treatment are also Op. Dr. Performed by Cem Karas. Within the scope of facial aesthetics, we also perform applications such as izmir facial rejuvenation, izmir botox, especially lip aesthetic surgeries in our clinic. Finally, we also have some treatments for tongue tie disease in our clinic.
Nose Aesthetic Surgery
We correct nasal deformities, deformities and bone and cartilage curvatures aimed at breathing with an operation called Deviation Surgery. The most important facial purpose of our clinic in izmir nose augmentation is to make a nose that is suitable for its profile, naturally and without surgical scars. The success rate of the operation will vary depending on the thickness of the organ cells, the thickness and shape of the cartilage, deformities in bone and cartilage, old traumas, and the potential for elevation of the tissues. For nose lift, patients who have completed the age of 16-18 and have completed the age of growth are suitable for nose augmentation.