Snoring is the noise in the form of noise that occurs when there is a narrowing in the airway. Sleep apnea is a respiratory arrest caused by snoring.
Snoring is the noise in the form of noise that occurs when there is a narrowing in the airway. Sleep apnea is a respiratory arrest caused by snoring. The fact that people stop breathing while sleeping is a serious issue that should definitely be taken into account. According to research, people with this disorder; It has been revealed that it causes more traffic accidents and causes accidents. There can be many reasons for this ailment. The fact that the patient is overweight or has a large adenoid can be shown as the cause of this condition. In addition, the quality of life of these people decreases considerably. People who cannot get a good night's sleep may experience adjustment problems in their daily and social lives.
What is snoring and sleep apnea?
Snore; It is defined as the noisy sound that an individual makes during sleep. In the medical literature, it is characterized by the enlargement of the soft palate and uvula more than normal, especially in adults with weight problems. As a result of these tissues, which lose their tension, narrow the airway, the air going to the lungs vibrates these tissues and a snoring sound is produced.
sleep apnea may be at risk of heart attack or stroke.
When do In overweight adults
Surgical treatment comes to the fore in sleep apnea and snoring disorders sleep apnea surgery and snoring surgery are performed in our contracted hospital and clinic.