Tinnitus is a medical term derived from the Latin word "tinnire" meaning "to ring". It is the individual's hearing in one or both ears or in his head a sound that he sometimes or constantly hears, which he defines as the sound of crickets, bird sounds, whistles, a sound as if hitting metal or a ringing sound, which can sometimes be heard from outside.

Tinnitus is a medical term derived from the Latin word "tinnire" meaning "to ring". It is the individual's hearing in one or both ears or in his head a sound that he sometimes or constantly hears, which he defines as the sound of crickets, bird sounds, whistles, a sound as if hitting metal or a ringing sound, which can sometimes be heard from outside.

Although tinnitus can be seen in people of all ages, it mostly manifests itself in adults. Since tinnitus may occur in children exposed to loud noise in the early period, families should be aware of this issue. They should not constantly take their children to environments where they may be exposed to such noises, and when they do, they should try to keep them as far away from the loudspeaker as possible.

Tinnitus is not a disease name per se, but a sign of a disorder in the auditory system. Tinnitus is basically examined under two main headings.

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  • Objective tinnitus: They are tinnitus that can be heard by others.
  • Subjective tinnitus: These are tinnitus heard only by the patient.

Objective tinnitus patients constitute a very small portion of tinnitus patients, and in this group, the cause of tinnitus can be identified and treated. Subjective tinnitus patients, on the other hand, constitute the majority of tinnitus patients. This type of tinnitus is more difficult to treat.

What are the causes of tinnitus?

Since the diseases that cause tinnitus are not known exactly, the patient usually first consults an ENT specialist. Middle ear infection, jaw problems, etc. are evaluated by the specialist during the examination.

The most important factor in the diagnosis of tinnitus is the history of the tinnitus. After a detailed clinical evaluation, the cause of the tinnitus can be understood. Various tests can also be used to diagnose tinnitus.

These tests are:

  • X-Ray
  • Odygram
  • Evoked Response Audiometry
  • Tinnitus Screen Matching
  • Tinnitus is Loudness Matching.